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The Only Saviour
Jesus Christ!
A. B. Earle
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TOPIC and SUBTOPIC: Christ Jesus, The Only Saviour.

TITLE: Some Other Way?

Among those who were most deeply convicted of their lost condition, in our meetings in Portland, Oregon, was a lady in high standing. She came to my room bathed in tears, under a deep sense of her lost condition, crying out in the language of the jailor: "Sir, what must I do to be saved?"

I at once replied, "I can tell you just what to do. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."

"Oh, sir," she said, "I must be saved in some other way than that. My father died rejecting Jesus Christ and I cannot embrace anything that does not take my father to heaven. You must tell me of some other way."

"My dear madam," I said, "there is no other way. Your Heavenly Father says, There is no other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved. Also without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sins. The Father has no blood. The Holy Spirit has no blood."

"The angels have no blood, however friendly and anxious they may feel for lost men. And your blood and mine is poisoned by sin, so that if you or your father reject Christ there is no help for you."

Oh, how bitterly the poor woman wept, still exclaiming, there must be some other way.

What a scene to witness, a convicted sinner crying out under a load of sin: "I must be saved, but I cannot embrace Jesus, because it would shut my dear father out of heaven. Dear sir, can't my sins be washed out some other way?"

"No other way," I said. "None but Jesus, none but Jesus, can do helpless sinners good."

For a while it seemed a hopeless case. I finally told her of the conversion of a Mr. McCall, converted after he was drowned.

It was like this: McCall was swimming in deep water and in a cramp or in some way went to the bottom, and filled with water, and while lying on the gravel under water in a perfectly conscious state sought and found forgiveness of his sins through Christ.

He was taken out of the water and appliances made and life restored. As soon as he could speak he said to his friends, "After I filled with water and went to the bottom, while lying on the gravel, I saw everything clearly, and conscious of my sins, I gave myself to Christ and felt that I was forgiven and accepted of him."

I knew this man for many years after this wonderful conversion. He lived a faithful Christian life, and died a triumphant death.

I related this incident to this anxious soul, who listened with intense interest.

I then asked if she knew her father did not see his mistake and repent and embrace the rejected Saviour, after he was too far gone to tell her?

She calmly replied: "I don't know, do I?"

I then asked her if she would leave her father there and embrace Christ as her only hope. The Spirit seemed to show her Christ as her Saviour, and gave her power to believe on him as her Saviour.

She wiped her tears, and looking up with a heavenly smile on her face, said: "Oh, sir, I can trust Jesus now, and I feel that my sins are washed away in his blood."

I felt paid for a life of toil in being permitted, through the Divine Spirit, to so present Christ to this lost one so that she could believe on him.

A. B. Earle, From: Incidents Used… In His Meetings, published in 1888.

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